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One Identity Safeguard - PAM Tools and Products

Lapses in security are constantly exploited by attackers. The prime target: privileged accounts, which provide deep access to your systems. With the One Identity Safeguard PAM tool suite, you can secure these privileged accounts, and enable an identity-centric Zero Trust model for just-in-time access. Collect, store, manage, authenticate, record and analyze privileged access with Safeguard PAM tools. Reduce your stress level over privileged accounts.

One Identity Safeguard Products

Safeguard for Privileged Passwords

Safeguard for Privileged Passwords automates, controls and secures the process of granting privileged credentials with role-based access management and automated workflows. The user-centered design of Safeguard for Privileged Passwords means a reduced learning curve. Plus, the solution enables you to manage passwords from anywhere and using nearly any device. The result is a solution that secures your enterprise and gives your privileged users a new level of freedom and functionality.

Key Features
  • Quick Discovery and onboarding of assets
  • Automated workflow engine
  • Approve passwords from anywhere
  • Full REST API
  • Free personal password vault for business users

Safeguard for Privileged Sessions

Safeguard for Privileged Sessions enables you to control, monitor and record privileged sessions of administrators, remote vendors and other high-risk users. Content of the recorded sessions is indexed to make searching for events and automatic reporting simple so you can easily meet your auditing and compliance requirements. In addition, Safeguard for Privileged Sessions serves as a proxy, and inspects the protocol traffic on the application level and can reject any traffic that violates the protocol – thus it is an effective shield against attacks.

Key Features
  • Full session audit, recording and replay
  • Real-time alerting and blocking
  • Initiate workflows or deploy in transparent mode with no changes to users
  • Full text search including Optical Character Recognition

Safeguard for Privileged Analytics

Safeguard for Privileged Analytics monitors questionable behaviors and uncovers previously unknown threats from inside and outside of your organization. By using user behavior analytics technology, Safeguard for Privileged Analytics detects anomalies and ranks them based on risk so you can prioritize and take appropriate action -- and ultimately prevent data breaches.

Key Features
  • Pattern-free analysis to detect unknown bad behaviors
  • Full content analyzation, including screen content, issued commands and windows titles
  • Use keystroke dynamics and mouse movement analysis to help identify breaches
  • Reduce alert noise by categorizing alerts by risk and deviation levels

One Identity Safeguard On Demand

One Identity Safeguard On Demand is SaaS-delivered solution that combines a secure password safe, and a session-management and -monitoring solution with threat detection and analytics all managed and delivered from the cloud.

  • Full-strength PAM with SaaS delivery
  • Mitigate potential damage of a security breaches
  • Meet compliance requirements
  • Identify and stop risky behaviors and unusual events

Safeguard Authentication Services

Integrate Unix, Linux and Mac OS X in Active Directory, while extending the compliance and security of Active Directory to your enterprise using Safeguard Authentication Services. This solution creates an Active Directory Bridge enabling users to log on to non-Windows systems using their Active Directory credentials. With centralized authentication and single sign-on, your organization can improve operational efficiencies and achieve compliance with cross-platform access control.

Key Features
  • Consolidate identities and enforce separation of duties
  • Extend Windows Group Policy to non-Windows systems
  • Leverage existing investments in infrastructure and skills
  • Single sign-on for Unix, Linux and Mac

Safeguard for Sudo

Sudo has a proven history of delivering value; however, management of sudo can be cumbersome. With One Identity Safeguard for Sudo, you can centralize management of sudoer policy files. Easily generate reports on sudoer access rights and activities, and enable keystroke logging of all activities performed through sudo.

Key Features
  • Centralized management of the sudoers policy file
  • Keystroke logging of all sudo activities
  • Access rights and activity reporting for sudo
  • Leverage existing investments in infrastructure and skills

Key Benefits

Mitigate risk of security breaches

Stay on top of any audit & compliance requirements

Happy admins due to using a great UX and familiar tools



Automate discovery of privileged accounts on hosts, in directories and your network


Store privileged passwords in a hardened appliance to enhance security and accelerate deployment


Record all session activity down to the keystroke, mouse movement and windows viewed


Real-time traffic monitoring backed by automated actions that execute under specific conditions


All activity is captured, indexed and stored in time-stamped and signed files for forensics and compliance


Play back or search for any recorded activity/event, including situational context

Privileged Access Governance

Unify governance so users can request, provision and attest to privileged and user access.


Privileged access management (PAM) is an identity security solution that protects organizations from cyberthreats by monitoring, detecting and preventing unauthorized privileged access to critical resources to enhance cybersecurity posture.
Privileged accounts are prime targets for cyber attacks due to their extensive access rights. A breach of privileged accounts can lead to unauthorized access, data breaches, financial losses and damage to an organization's reputation. PAM helps mitigate these risks by enforcing strict access controls, monitoring privileged activity and facilitating accountability. This proactive approach significantly reduces the likelihood and impact of security incidents related to privileged access.
A modern, comprehensive PAM solution should include features such as password management (including secure storage, rotation and retrieval), session monitoring and recording, privilege elevation, multi-factor authentication (MFA), integration with other security tools, and audit and compliance capabilities.
PAM enhances security by enforcing the principle of least privilege, ensuring that users and systems have only the minimum level of access required to perform their tasks. It also enables organizations to implement role-based access control (RBAC), just-in-time (JIT) privileged access and multi-factor authentication (MFA) for added layers of security.
Yes, PAM solutions can seamlessly integrate with other security tools such as Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) systems, Single Sign-On (SSO) solutions, cloud Identity and Access Management (IAM) platforms, and vulnerability assessment tools. This integration not only enhances an organization’s overall security posture but also facilitates centralized monitoring and management of privileged access.
PAM solutions provide audit logs, reporting capabilities, and automated access reviews. These features help organizations meet regulatory compliance requirements such as GDPR, PCI DSS, HIPAA and SOX. By maintaining detailed records of privileged access activities, PAM solutions enable organizations to demonstrate compliance during audits and regulatory assessments.
Best practices for implementing PAM include regularly reviewing and updating privileged access policies and procedures, conducting security training and awareness programs for employees, implementing least privilege and role-based access controls, and regularly assessing the organization's security posture through penetration testing and vulnerability assessments.
PAM aligns with the Zero Trust security model by enforcing strict access controls and adhering to the principle that no one, whether inside or outside the organization, should be trusted by default. By implementing PAM solutions, organizations can embrace a least privilege approach and deploy just-in-time access controls to minimize the risk of privileged access abuse within the Zero Trust framework.
The benefits of using a PAM solution include an overall improved security posture, reduced risk of data breaches and insider threats, enhanced compliance with regulatory requirements, centralized management and monitoring of privileged access, and increased operational efficiency through the automation of access management tasks.
Organizations can kickstart PAM implementation by conducting a thorough assessment of their current privileged access management practices and security posture, identifying critical assets and privileged accounts, evaluating PAM solutions that best fit their needs, and developing a phased implementation plan with clear goals and milestones. It's also essential to involve key stakeholders from IT, security and compliance departments in the planning and implementation process to ensure a collaborative and holistic PAM adoption.
